
    Thank you for visiting. I am an artist, designer, and educator from Woodbury, NJ. Collage is the main word I use to identify my art. To me, collages are not simply disparate pieces of paper mixed together, but beautiful images that were meant to be together, if only for a time. A collage could be a piece of sculpture, a song, a photograph, a person's thoughts, and a way of life...

    Found objects, worn wood, and other things passed onto me are my materials of choice. These objects all have their own unique stories. I try to combine these objects and their stories with my own using photography and brush strokes to create something new. My hope is to respect and preserve their history while shaping and molding the world as I see it.

   I take pride in playing with different mediums, technologies, textures and the viewer of these images. Play is an important part of what I do. Too few people play.

    Please follow me on my Facebook page here for regular updates of new pieces of mine and other people's work I find inspirational. If you enjoyed my work, please feel free show your support through Patreon and become an incredibly appreciated patron of the arts. You'll also receive rewards in the form of love, prints, and wallpapers.                                                                            

                                                                   Thank you very much,
                                                                             James P. O'Connor III