Last Friday's show was a lot of fun. It always amazes me who shows up to support this craziness of mine. I'm never upset at those who don't, but it means a lot to me when people do. My friends Jim and Erin McHugh ( have been especially supportive of my art recently. They are two individuals I wouldn't have recognized walking down the street a year prior, probably in Woodbury, and now they are two of my favorite people. Both are talented artists and genuinely kind people I'm grateful to call my friends. My English teacher last semester came, and commissioned a timepiece from me. I'm looking forward to getting started on that soon. A "music teacher" of mine, who attempted to teach me piano, and I was an utter waste of his time, was there. He had a flat tire, and walked a pretty fair distance in the heat to be there. It was great to see him as well. The other exhibiting artists, Kelly Lynd and George Herquet, were a pleasure to meet too.